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SoGA Events

2024 Autumn Social

10 October from 6pm at the Steam Packet.  Free to attend, members get their first drink free. Light food kindly provided by The Steam Packet


2024 SoGA Photo Competition “Wild Strand”. We’d love you to submit your photo! Winners and runners up will be displayed in the Jubilee Arch under Kew Bridge to brighten everyone’s day as they walk through. You can see the 2023 winners there today. Watch this space for full details of the awards ceremony. 

Terms of entry:

  • Entries to be sent by email to before 5pm on November 1st. Please state your name, and if you are 18 and over, or under 18.The theme is “Wild Strand”

  • Images above 1.5 meg

  • Aspect ratio 3:2 or 4:3 landscape or portrait (these are standard aspect ratios on both cameras and smart phones)

  • Limit of 5 photo entries per person

  • Decisions of the judges will be final

  • The copyright of each entry remains with the author. However, authors, by entering the competition, grant SoGA permission to publish, broadcast and/or use their submission in promotional displays including on the SoGA websites and social media.


A presentation of Panorama of the Thames was held 20 June 2024 in the beautiful setting of the National Archives at Kew, co-hosted by SoGA and GPG. Drinks were served before and after the event. The presentation, including several short films detailing how the banks of the Thames (including Strand on the Green) have changed over time, was fascinating, and enjoyed by everyone.  ​


AGM was held 10 April 2024 at Fullers offices


1 February 2024 6-8.30pm ‘CHEESEWICK’ at The Steam Packet Pub 
An evening of talking and tasting cheese with Lucy Cufflin. As a co-founder of the Chiswick Cheese Market, qualified cheese judge and member of the Academy of Cheese, Lucy will lead us through tasting 6 incredible artisan cheeses with an introduction on how to taste, what to pair them with and chat about how Chiswick got its name!

Members £5 (to cover the cost of the cheese)
Non-members welcome £15 to include 1 year free membership to SoGA
Price includes cheese, bread and crackers and water.

Buy your own choice of drink on the night!
Book tickets with Ann at



Wednesday 29 November (from 6pm) - Annual Photography Competition awards ceremony at The Steam Packet


All of the winning submissions can be found here.


Saturday 4 November - Autumn Litter Pick (meet outside The Steam Packet at 2pm)


Thursday 5 October 2023 (from 6pm) - a social was held at The Steam Packet.


A Coronation celebration was held on Sunday 7 May 2023.


SoGA social event - 18 March 2023 at 7pm at The Steam Packet (top floor)

Sarah Lasenby joined us for a convivial evening to share her memories of Strand on the Green (1947-1984).  Sarah started life on SotG before the war then returned aged 8.  She lived there for the next 38 years including sailing with the Club.  


SoGA AGM 2023 (and social) - was held on Tuesday 10 January 2023 at The Musical Museum.


Platinum Jubilee celebration

SoGA and the Grove Park Group hosted a celebration of the platinum jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II on 5 June 2022.

Photos of the day's event can be found here


The Chiswick Calendar has kindly published the results of our Platinum Jubilee celebration competitions.


Overall winners page


Limericks adult


Limericks under 19


Poetry adult


Poetry under 19


Art adult


Art under 19


Photography adult


Photography under 19



SoGA AGM 2022 - was held virtually, due to the coronavirus pandemic.


A public meeting was held on 21 October at 19:00 at St Paul's church to discuss the South Chiswick's Low Traffic Neighbourhood scheme. Further details can be found here














SoGA SOCIAL 2021 - was held on Thursday 7 October at 18.30 at The Steam Packet.



SoGA Zoom call - was held on Wednesday 5 May 2021 at 18:00.



SoGA AGM 2021 - was held virtually, due to the coronavirus pandemic.



SoGA AGM 2020 - was held on Tuesday 7 January 2020 at 19:00 at Strand on the Green Infants' School.



SoGA AGM 2019 - was held on Tuesday 8 January 2019 at 19:00 at Strand on the Green Infants' School.














SoGA AGM 2018 - was held on Tuesday 9 January 2018 at 19:00 at Strand on the Green Infants' School.

















2017's summer party was held again in the garden of St. Paul's Church with the kind permission of Rev'd Michael. We had a turn out of around 85 members. Live music was provided by The Ukaye Ukes.


The SoGA committee would again like to thank our sponsors Knight Frank (Chiswick), Riverhomes and The Pier House Trust. Thanks also to Fiona from The Bell & Crown who provided beer and wine throughout the evening and to all those who provided donations for our raffle.


We are especially indebted to Susie Collinson who worked very hard in producing such a successful evening. We also thank all the volunteers who helped set up the garden and also helped with the clear up on Sunday morning.


Our raffle raised an amazing £860 - half of that amount is being donated to the Red Cross Grenfell Tower appeal and half to Age Concern Chiswick.



SoGA AGM 2017 - was held on Wednesday 11 January 2017 at Strand on the Green Infants' School.




2016's summer party was held in the garden of St. Paul's Church with the kind permission of Rev'd Michael.  We had a turn out of around 90 members.  Live music was provided by Elle and the Pocket Belles. A hog roast was provided by the Spitting Pig.


The SoGA committee would like to thank our sponsors Knight Frank (Chiswick) and Riverhomes. Thanks also to Fiona from The Bell & Crown who provided beer and wine througout the evening and to all those who provided donations for our raffle. We are especially indebted to committee members Nicola Roberts and Susie Collinson and the other members of the party sub-committee who worked so hard in producing such a successful evening. We also thank all the volunteers who helped set up the garden and also helped with the clear up on Sunday morning.


Further, SoGA is delighted to be able make the £620 proceeds from our 2016 Summer party raffle to REACT.  REACT provides quick and practical assistance to improve the quality of life for children with life shortening illnesses living in financially disadvantaged families throughout the UK. Following recommendations from medical professionals aid is provided for domestic and specialist medical equipment, mobility items, adapted educational and development aids to help a child with developmental and cognitive impairment to play and learn but also sadly funeral expenses. REACT can provide holidays in one of its seven mobile homes based in seaside locations around the world.


The Chairman and the rest of the committee would like to thank all those who donated prizes and those who bought raffle tickets. If you would like further information about REACT then check out its website at:


© 2024 Strand on the Green Association

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